

Koala Action Inc (KAI) is a not-for-profit incorporated association. Our members are our life blood and the reason we are able to accomplish our goals and objectives.

It is an immensely satisfying feeling to know your contributions have gone into saving one of Australia’s animal icons and Queensland’s faunal emblem. KAI is grateful for whatever assistance you can provide.

Please Join Us Today!

Members are provided with minutes detailing present and ongoing activities.

We invite and encourage all members to participate in their areas of interest including:

Replanting Koala Food Trees and Other Natives

Education and Awareness Programs

Fundraising Activities

Annual Membership Fees

To pay online, please click the relevant image link below:




 (Two adults & two children)


(Businesses & NGOs)

For enquiries, please email us at:

One of Our Working Bee’s

Orphaned Sub Adult

Sharing the Love