
What we do

We are concerned about the long-term survival of the koala population all over their natural range, focusing specifically in the Moreton Bay Region which includes Caboolture, Pine Rivers and Redcliffe.

Our objectives are to help this unique native Australian marsupial by lobbying local, state and federal government as well as businesses to retain native bushland habitatrehabilitate degraded bushland to increase its carrying capacity and replant koala food trees and other natives in parks, reserves and open spaces.

KAI provides free koala education and awareness presentations to community groups, schools and private enterprise to ensure the survival of this endangered species.

We present information in regard to the perils facing koalas which include Chlamydial disease including:

conjunctivitis, which affects the eyes;

cystitis, a urogenital tract infection commonly called ‘dirty tail’;

KoRV a koala retro virus impacting on the immune system.

Other factors impacting the koala population include:

habitat loss and fragmentation;

urbanisation and development;

dog attacks (domestic, feral and wild dogs);

motor vehicle strikes.

Supporting Koala Orphan Carers

Koala Action Inc supports koala orphan carers by subsidising their costs for formula, medications and other items required in the raising of koala joeys.

In addition, KAI actively facilitates growing koala food tree plantations to ensure carers can easily access koala browse (leaf).

For further information about any of the activities undertaken by KAI, please contact us directly