Caboolture Region Environmental Education Centre (C.R.E.E.C.) Replanting Project Stage 1
150 Rowley Road Burpengary, Qld. 2017/2018 Koala Action Inc. self funded project $1,700
KAI utilised its own funds in May 2018 to replant 150 koala food trees tube stock at CREEC in Burpengary Queensland.
Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Environmental Services Department suggested increasing the environmental integrity of the site by revegetating the triangle tip of Zone C. This area was prepared for plantings in late 2017.
This facility is located approximately 40 km north of Brisbane on Rowley Road at Burpengary. It was established as an environmental and interpretation centre on 18 hectares next to Burpengary Creek by the Moreton Bay Regional Council and is run by a small dedicated group of volunteers.
The area encompasses a rare lowland rainforest riparian ecosystem, CREEC was chosen for its unique location. The site has several habitats and is home to a wide range of wildlife including koalas. On site is an administration building with auditorium, a community nursery, playground, BBQ and interpretive trail. In addition, a koala food tree plantation has been created and carers from Koala Action Inc. and Moreton Bay Koala Rescue utilise the leaf for the koala joeys that come into their care.
CREEC is a centre of excellence for the demonstration of environmental best practices for relevant floodplain and riparian zone vegetation management and provides educational opportunities to allow appreciation of recreational and scientific attributes of the sites represented.
It provides a unique experience within the Moreton Bay region facilitating a broad range of interests whilst encouraging a lifestyle and interaction with the environment that is both enjoyable and sustainable.
KAI Member Activities
Holes were dug in preparation for planting by contractors. Approximately 150 tube stock sourced from the CREEC nursery were planted. A maintenance regime of watering once a week for 5 weeks was subsequently undertaken.
C.R.E.E.C. Remediation, Rehabilitation and Replanting Project Stage 2 150 Rowley Road Burpengary, Qld.
Moreton Bay Regional Bay Council Community Assistance Scheme Grant $5,000
It involved rehabilitation and restoring a 5,000 square metre section of the riparian corridor of Burpengary Creek.
The project was carried out in Zone G (see above) identified in the CREEC weed management plan. The project site is adjacent to, and built upon the re-vegetation work previously complete by KAI in March 2018.
To assist with the delivery of the project, Moreton Bay Regional Council’s Environment Services Department provided endemic native tube stock of up to 250 plants with one quarter being koala food trees.
KAI sub-contracted River City Trees to brush cut and poison with Glyphosate herbicide exotic weeds ,trees and grasses. Holes were dug in preparation to install native tube stock. Funds included the provision of five weeks of watering only maintenance.
- Spotted Gum (Corymbia citriodora)
- Gum topped box (Eucalyptus moluccana)
- Grey Ironbark (Eucalyptus siderophloia)
- Red Mahogany (Eucalyptus resinifera)
- Narrow-leaf Ironbark (Eucalyptus crebra)
- Tallow Wood (Eucalyptus microcorys)
- Small-fruited Grey Gum (Eucalyptus propinqua)
- Qld Blue Gum (Eucalyptus tereticornis)
- Brush Box (Lophostemon confertus)
- Swamp box (Lophostemon suaveolens)